Mens Pilates – Home / Travel Routine – 8 of 8 -28.02.2017
(1) Warm-up: Rotation – Mobilization – focus on loosening the neck, back and spine.
(2) Main-Programme: – 3 Rounds of:
(2.1) Shoulder-Bridge ver. 2 (hip lifted – leg stretch) 10x R/L Focus/Benefit: Back strength, a bit glutes, hamstrings
(2.2) Plank Leg kick to side 10x R/L Focus/Benefit: General Core Strength + waist
(2.3) Moving Hamstring Stretch – lying on back, walk hands up to your ankle, relax on mat on between (incl. head/neck) 5x R/L. Focus/Benefit: Hamstring flexibility, a small bit core
(3) Cool Down – General stretching and loosening, focusing on the lower back, neck, spine, hamstrings, glutes.
Mens Pilates – Home / Travel Routine – 7 of 8 -21.02.2017
(1) Warm-up: Rotation – Mobilization – focus on loosening the neck, back and spine.
(2) Main-Programme – 3 Rounds of:
(2.1) 3x (1) Roll-Down followed by (2) One Side-Bend – right, (3) Push-up, (4) One Side-Bend – left, (5) Roll-up – repeat
Focus/Benefit: 1. spine mobility, 2. upper body / shoulder strength, 3. core Strength obliques
(2.2) Scissor-Movement (one leg at the time) 10x R/L Focus/Benefit: Core Strength, straight abs
(2.3) Swimming / Superman (version 1) 10x R/L Focus/Benefit: Lower back strength + a bit stretching for the lower back
(3) Cool Down – General stretching and loosening, focusing on the lower back, neck, spine, hamstrings, glutes.
Mens Pilates – Home / Travel Routine – 6 of 8 -14.02.2017
(1) Warm-up: Rotation – Mobilization – focus on loosening the neck, back and spine.
(2) Main-Programme – 3 Rounds of:
(2.1) Roll-Down with one Push-Up 5x – Focus/Benefit: 1. spine mobility, 2. upper body strength, 3. a small bit of core Strength
(2.2) Single-Leg Stretches (one leg at the time) 10x R/L
(2.3) Shoulder Bridges (version 1) 5x
(3) Cool Down – General stretching and loosening, focusing on the lower back, neck, spine, hamstrings, glutes.