Tag Archives: Do what you can …

Theodore Roosevelt Quote – “Do what you …. ” re motivation, taking action, getting results

Quote Theodore Roosevelt Do what you can with what you have where you are your. Martin Luschin South Dublin Nutrition Health Coaching Personal Training
 “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”  …. he brings it to the point …. it’s all about taking  ACTION and DOING IT, there is no point hanging around and waiting for things to happen.
 YOU, WE, I all of us … have only one chance to change things / our circumstances and that’s NOW. …… sooooo
  “What have you DONE TODAY, this morning to get you closer to one or two of BIG GOALS ….  
Jot it down, plan it, schedule it … and then do it !
Lets Get GOING ❗ 