Tag Archives: food for thought

Video No. 21 – Quote Stephen Covey – Food for thought, Digital Diet “Anything less than a conscious commitment …”

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In this video I’m referring to “Digital Diets” :o) , quoting Stephen Covey, author of books like
7 Habit of Highly effective people.” or “First things first.”.

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your thoughts are relating to this quote and the video below.
_ Thanks – Martin, Your Health Habit Coach

Quote No. 2 Dr Mark Hyman “Think about it, if there is a health food section … “

Quote 2 Mark Hyman Think about it if there is a health food section in the grocery store what nutrition-coaching personal training south Dublin Martin LuschinMore food for thought. This time from Dr. Mark Hayman quote: “Think about it, if there is a health food section in the grocery store, what does that make the rest of the food sold there?”.
He one of the few doctors and physicians I follow online,  worthwhile following.