“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
…. he brings it to the point …. it’s all about taking
ACTION and DOING IT, there is no point hanging around and waiting for things to happen.
YOU, WE, I all of us … have only one chance to change things / our circumstances and that’s NOW. …… sooooo
“What have you DONE TODAY, this morning to get you closer to one or two of BIG GOALS ….
Jot it down, plan it, schedule it … and then do it !
Lets Get GOING ❗
Tag Archives: Health Coaching
The Happy Pear Brothers go “bonkers with the bankers” – Stephen & David Flynn’s Ulster Bank talk in Central Park, Dublin 18
I just met two of the most inspirational, enthusiastic and entertaining guys in the nutrition, health and food field in Ireland, Stephen & David Flynn from the “Happy Pear”.
It’s a shame I made it only to the last 30min of their “Nutrition Masterclass” in Ulster Bank’s office building in Leopardstown, Central Park, Dublin 18, where I manage Ulster Bank’s gym, give classes, do my bit to get the bankers fitter, happier and healthier, and raise health awareness.
One of Stephen and David’s main message or as they call it “our three-word-manifesto” is EAT MORE VEG !!! (and with veg they really mean (1) fruit, (2) veg, (3) beans, (4) legumes and (5) whole grains).
It’s all about, making small, simple, easy to do changes that add up over time and lead to a healthier, fitter and happier YOU !!! One of them, “who is Stephen and who is David ????”, they really look alike. said focus on establishing habits and that’s what I’m all about here at “Your Health Habit Coach”.
I’m going to focus on habit creation and giving tips how to get into healthy, beneficial habits in some of my next blog posts in the coming weeks. I’m in the process of testing a free habit online coaching tool for that last three or four months. Currently I’m working on some of these habit:
(1) Drinking two glasses of water first thing in the morning – 89 days in a row up to now,
(2) Making bed immediately after getting up – 90 days in a row, (my girlfriend is very happy with that 🙂 ),
(3) Going to bed before midnight – only 20 times in the last 90 days, I’m more of a night-owl, but there are lots of health benefits for going to bed before midnight or even better before 10pm, which I doubt I’m going to be able to do for a good while,
(4) Wake up early, (85 times) to work on your “First things first” (reference from Stephen Covey, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” and similar books and approaches, re productivity, efficiency and effectiveness, e.g. the 80/20 rule or Pareto-Law etc..
Sorry, I drifted off a bit here, got too enthusiastic.
A big THANK YOU to Stephen and David Flynn for coming in to Ulster Bank in Leopardstown, Central park, Dublin 18 and raising awareness, educating folks in a very entertaining and enthusiastic way. Plus a even bigger Thank you for Camilla Waters who organized the Health & Well-Being Forthright in Ulster Bank in Central Park and Georges Quay.
Remember to take on Stephen and David’s four day challenge … Going for the Healthier Option !!!!
Your Health Habit Coach