Video 11 – Whom to follow on the internet re Nutrition, Health and Food Research recommendations from Happy Pear Twins Stephen, David Flynn

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I met the Happy Pear brothers David and Stephen Flynn earlier this week, during a nutrition talk that they gave in one of Ulster Bank’s main offices in South Dublin, Sandyford, Central Park, Ireland. See previous post with a picture of them.

Here a short video with one of the twins answering my question “Whom do you follow on the internet or web to stay up to date with Nutrition, Food and Health research and advice?”.

Please keep in mind that I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with any of these doctors or physicians opinions or point of views at this point in time, nor do I advocate what they believe, as I haven’t read their articles or watched their videos yet.
. I just want to share their names and details with you so you can learn more about health, nutrition and food, allowing you to form your own opinion.

He mentioned the following four doctors and physicians. I added a Wikipedia links and link to their website, where available.

  1. Dr. Joel Kahn, America’s Healthy Hear Doc (there was no Wikipedia link available, which is a bit odd), find his website here
  2. Joel Fuhrman M.D., Nutritional Researcher, NY Times, Best Selling Author, find his website here
  3. Dean Ornish M.D., Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, Undo It.  Founder of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California.  Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Find his website here
  4. Neal Barnard M.D., Cinical Researcher, founding president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), he is an adjunct associate professor of medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences. Find his website here
  5. ???? He mentioned on more “Kaldo or Caldo S….. something” but I couldn’t find the persons name on the web. Please let me know of that person or are aware of the correct spelling.

Let me know if you have heard of any of these physicians, researchers and doctors, and what your opinion is on their work.

And a bit thank you for Stephen / David for taking the time to answer my question, much appreciated.


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